Kurt Stormberg
Stormberg Orthodontics
Kurt Stormberg is a board-certified orthodontist who practices in La Mesa, California. He has been extensively involved in both organized orthodontics and dentistry throughout his career. Some of his positions have included the Past President of the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists and the San Diego County Dental Society. He is currently the PCSO representative to the Council on Government Affairs and a Delegate to the AAO House of Delegates. Kurt is also heavily involved with his Alma Mater of Creighton University, serving as Chair of the Dental Alumni Advisory Board, as well as being a Director on the National Alumni Board. Kurt lives in San Diego with his beautiful wife, Susan, and enjoys everything about his hometown. He is excited to be one of the founding doctors of Bond Orthodontics and is looking forward to letting the rest of the orthodontic world know about it!
La Mesa, CA 91941